We’re not the only ones who like houseplants! No aquarium would be the same without them.
Best 3 Gallon Fish Tank
When it comes to a 3 gallon fish tank, there’s not a lot of swimming space available - But if you’re tight on square footage or live in a small apartment, it’s an ideal size....
Easiest 11 Plants to Grow in Gravel
Aquarium plants help keep your tank clean, facilitate oxygenating the water, and enhance the aesthetics. Many aquarium plants grow effectively in gravel substrate. Unlike sand,...
The 9 Low-Maintenance Plants for Sand Aquariums
Aquarium plants not only enhance the beauty of a tank, but also help to stabilize your aquarium’s ecosystem. Substrates like soft pebbles, gravel, and sand support the growth of...
The 10 Small Plants For Any Aquarium (Low Maintenance)
The best small plants for aquariums are easy to care for, slow-growing, and compatible with fish (meaning, they're nontoxic AND they're not going to get eaten overnight by that...